March 19, 2014

Life Begins at 40

"Oh, now life begins!" - Cameron Diaz on turning 40.
The part of this I'd like to embrace is the attitude of loving moving into this time of life and also the concept of feeling old if we are not caring for ourselves.

I'd like to make self-care a priority, but not a selfish endeavor. Delicate balance.

With that in mind, I'm working on a list of 40 things I'd like to do in the next year as I'm turning 40.

40 List

  1. Go to a tanning salon.  Started this week
  2. Get that purple highlight in my hair I've wanted for years.
  3. Change my body composition. (read: lose the extra 45# of fat I've been dragging around)
  4. Get uber strong- pullups, watchout!
  5. Hang out at the beach for a weekend.
  6. Get a totally wimpy tiny tattoo somewhere not too noticeable. (Brave, huh?)
  7. Find a job that actually pays me in a way that I feel valued. 
  8. Participate in a Spartan Race. 
  9. Participate in the CrossFit Open. 
  10. (more to come...)

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