March 22, 2014

Thriving, Not Just Surviving

credit: big thompson crossfit
Well, I survived my first week back in regular CrossFit classes. I would even say I thrived. I made it in three times, completed the workouts, and lived to tell about it. Better yet, my attitude was good. I'm happy. (I did smart off to my coach that I swear he is programming to make sure he runs my a$$ off, but hey, even all the running was fine. Really. You can get up off the floor from your dead faint now.)

It's also been really fun having my 12 year old in class with me- he's really working hard, and I'm very proud of him. That's him in the only photo he would give me permission to use here. :D Even though I jumped him in the box the other day for "mom. mom. mom. mom."-ing me... "Buddy, this is MY space. I am happy to have you here, but do NOT do that to me while we are in the box. Period." Message delivered, message received. (Poor kid- he won't do it again, I'm sure of that.)

My major ah-ha moment was working on the hang snatch yesterday. BTW, any of the lifting stuff = fabulous. Love it. Anyhooo, I learned that I wasn't pinching my shoulder blades before starting the movement. HUGE difference. I can't wait to work on that some more.

And yesterday the WOD had kettlebells. Which I love. That is all.

One more week down...




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